U Khin Zaw (pen-name K) was the first University Librarian. Before the Second World War, the library was well-known for its comprehensive and rare collection of books and manuscripts including sources in Myanmar and Chinese. At that time it was one of the best university libraries in the Southeast Asia.
During the Second World War, the building and its valuable collections were severely damaged. After the war, U Thein Han (well-known poet, and writer Zaw Gyi) re-established the library. In 1964, under the new education system, University of Yangon Library was re-organized as the Universities' Central Library providing services to all universities and colleges in Myanmar. A new modernized building adjacent to the old one was completed in 1980. U Thaw Kaung served as Chief Librarian from 1969 until his retirement in 1997. In 1987, the old building was separated from the Universities' Central Library and re-established as University of Yangon Library.
Librarians (in reverse order)
- Daw Hlaing Hlaing Gyi (2012)
- Daw Khin Hnin Oo( 2003 - 2011)
- U Kyaw Win (2002 - 2003)
- U Myat Soe (1995 - 2002)
- Daw Myint Myint Khin (1986 - 1994)
- U Thaw Kaung (1969 - 1997)
- U Thein Han (1946 - 1968)
- U Khin Zaw (K) (1930 - 1945)
Library Membership
Currently employed faculty members and office staff and then enrolled students are legal to apply for library membership. Any outsider can access to the library by the request of his/her Head of Government Department.
Library Services
(a) Traditional Services
- Catalogue card, close stack & open stack system
- Manual circulation system
- Inter-library loan system with academic libraries under the Minister of Education
- Phone answering is provided to scholarly inquiries
(b) Electronic Services
- Locally developed Electronic Library (ELIB) software is being used to record the bibliographic information of each book in the library collection.
- 21330English books, 12790 Myanmar books and 4354 theses have been updated in the database and then it allows 188 rare books on Myanmar and over 3500 e-books.
- ADSL internet line is provided with wireless router and e-books are available. Eight computers are provided for users in the section. Clients can easily access Internet via wireless to their own laptops or notebooks or i-pads or hand phones within the library premises.
(c) Digital Service
- Digital files like Journal of Burma Research Society (JBRS) (59) vol. (1911-1977), Selective Works on Myanmar History, Culture, Archaeology and Literature after Independence, Burma Gazetteers, Proceedings of First to Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL) are available in the database.
- Printing and CD copies are provided on request
The Mission of the Library
- Enables students to acquire information management skills which support in pursuing the academic goals and knowledge;
- Enhances the professional growth of faculty by supporting teaching and scholarship endeavors;
- Provides professional intermediaries between users and information sources; and
- Provides high quality information services based on the needs of library users.
Future Plans
- To train library staff to become more qualified technicians
- To provide updated online catalogue and Online Library System
- To promote IT infrastructure & facilities
- To compile retrospective indexes to Myanmar Periodicals
- To promote up-to-date printed and electronic resources* To share resources with other libraries both in local and abroad
- To become an excellent academic library in Myanmar
Contact: University of Yangon Library, University Campus, Kamayut Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar.
t(95-1) 537250
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